Thursday, September 29, 2011

Game Drive #2, Day 2

After seeing so much our first night out, one could only imagine what the day had in store!

This little guy was about 6 months old.

Number 3 of the big 5.

Mean while, as I'm paying far more attention to the cape buffalo, this little shit decides to try to untie my shoe.  After getting him to forget about my shoe, he then decided my sunglasses on top of my head looked good.  He never got close up and personal with anybody else.  LOL

I'm pretty proud of this shot.  A reflection in a mud hole!  (Nyala doe)

Cheetah sighting number 2!  They had just eaten so were pretty docile.

Mama and baby.  A different set from what we'd seen the night before.

Zebra's are pretty cool animals!

Taking scenic pictures just does not show the expansion of the bush, but we tried.

Check back soon....there's LOTS more to come!

1 comment:

  1. These are spectacular! I can't even pick a favorite out of this set. Thumbs up!
