Friday, January 19, 2018

Wedding is Finished

I learned A LOT tagging along with my friend at this last wedding.  I learned enough I have not only warmed to the idea of being a wedding photographer, but I have come up with a wedding package to offer and have even thrown my name in the hat a few times over the past several days for people looking for a wedding photographer.  Only time will tell.....

Here is the link to the Fahrenbruck/Maxwell gallery that is on my website if you've interest.  I'm proud of how this event turned out.

Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell

The home page for my site is


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Essence of Cold

Baby it's been C-O-L-D out lately!  Though I am dreaming of warmer temps and the thought of palm trees and sand dances regularly in my head, my photo clubs "homework" this month is "The Essence of Cold".  Well, this past Sunday was just that.  Neither of these shots are exactly what I had been envisioning, but, I think they do convey the subzero windchill we were experiencing.

Fog from cold temps surrounds the old Spring Creek one room school house.

Blowing snow comes across the fence line.  In the distance you can barely make out a couple of cottonwood trees.

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 2018 Wolf Moon

When the Wolf Moon came up as a full moon, I TRIED to capture it, but it was sooooo cooo-llll--dddd.  That didn't work.

Here it is as it begins the Waning Crescent phase.  Brighter the farther it rose.