Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Day's End

Winter Storm Atlas really did a number on our bird population in South Dakota.  I've only seen 8 grouse this whole fall, and pheasants are very much just in pockets.  If you find them, there are a descent amount, but until you find them, you'll put miles and miles on (and your dog even more!) looking.

I've been hunting the north central part of the state the past two days as I was told there were birds there, crops aren't out yet, making it tough, but there are birds.  My first day, I saw one pheasant, just after sunset.  Yesterday, I saw several groups of birds along the road while driving, but at the end of the day I'd pretty much given up as I hadn't found where any combines were working to help me out in my quest.  I decided to spend the rest of the day just looking around and finding the public areas - about mid-afternoon, I FINALLY found a combine working very near a small CRP ground so decided to see what there was.  Casey did her job, and found the one pheasant that was in there, unfortunately, was way to overcome by the excitement and took complete leave of her senses.  I knew she was on a bird as I couldn't get her turned around, nor could I get there fast enough.  Bummer.  Found another nice walk-in area and decided to see what there was, if nothing else, it would give me a chance to reel Casey back in.  There wasn't a bird one (although Casey did 'flush' a rabbit!) so I shot the moon and the sun instead.


It was still a good day!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Photo Contest

I have a good friend and mentor, Mike Burg, who is a professional photographer living just south of Rapid City.  He is my biggest fan of all my images; critics them encouraging me to get better at my new found craft.  Recently he sent me some information on a contest being hosted by B&H Photo, one of the largest photo supply companies in the US, if not in the world asking me what images I had to enter.  This morning I took that challenge and entered photo's in 6 of the 9 categories.  Thanks Mike for all the encouragement!

Information on the contest can be found at  This contest is kind of a big deal.......People's Choice prize is an expense paid photo safari to Namibia and Judge's Choice grand prize being an expense paid photo safari to Botswana!  (Wouldn't it be cool to get to go to Africa again?!?!?!?!?)

This morning I am shamelessly asking for voting support of my images if any of you were so inclined.  You do need a user ID (email address) to cast a vote, but also don't think they will bombard you with spam.  (User ID is necessary as you are only allowed one vote - if you change your mind on an image, vote for a second one, it will cancel out the first vote.)  Images can be accessed by clicking the above link, then clicking on "Peoples Choice" which will show all images that have been entered.  From there you can type in my name which will bring up all 6 photo's I entered.  Or, I have included direct links to each entered photo below.  

Land Mammals Category:

Conservation/Man & the Environment:

Macro:  Floral/Insects

Animals in Captivity:

So, in my shamelessness asking for voting support, I also say thank you with great gratitude for that support.