Friday, April 25, 2014

Sure Signs of Spring

Things have kind of been on the busy side around here having several spring like days in a row.  I wanted to hike Bear Butte (over by Sturgis) before the snakes got real active as there are LOTS of rattlers over on the Butte.  Today was the day....bright, lots of sunshine and mid-60's.  A great day for a hike indeed.  The best part of the hike:  Along the trail, sure signs of spring.  Yippee!!!!

"Stairway to Heaven"

The prairie wants to be green.  The Deers Ears are in the upper right.  (Looking north atop the look out.)

"Pasque Flower"  The official South Dakota state flower.

Once the pasque begin blooming, spring has officially arrived.

"Farming Meets the Prairie"  Looking east toward Ellsworth Air Base.

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