Saturday, April 5, 2014

Finally, a Break

February and March weather has been just flat miserable.  Bad attitude you ask?  Umm, YES.  Even Casey is over it and bored out of her mind.  Yesterday we FINALLY got a day that was bright and sunny - warmer temps, but the wind still cut through a person.  Still, it was to nice to stay inside, so off to the Hills and Custer State Park we went.  

Our first stop was Sheridan Lake at the south boat launch.

Happy Girl playing with the ice and splish-splashin' along.
Old Man Winter, I believe your cold, hard heart is melting and beginning to crack.  Makes me happy, happy, happy.
And just past the Lake, I found some big horn sheep.  Casey has decided she does not like sheep - the whole time I was parked she sat in the seat and growled.  She's tough and intimidating.....ask her.  Three ewes and last years lamb.

I wish they wouldn't have had collars.
Made it down to Custer State Park hoping to find some buffalo calves, I guess it's not quite time - at least not time with the groups I saw.  I didn't see any sensational bulls, but I also didn't leave the paved road.  As usual, the Park is over run with prairie dogs, and as much as I agree with the ranchers that they are extremely destructive awful little rodents, they do make good subjects for me trying to figure out one of my lenses.  Even was graced with a coyote posing for me.  Wish I would have had the call with me - I think I could have gotten him to stop a little closer than he did.

Lastly, I made it back to Pactola to catch just the very last of color in the sky.

All in all, a good day.  And today it looks like we will be blessed with TWO, count them TWO spring days in a row.  Guess I better get some work done around here.  Life.  Is. Good.

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