Monday, November 21, 2011

Elephant Interaction Side Excurtion, Day 6 (Sept. 13, 2011)

Elephants are one of the coolest animals on the planet! There was no way I was going to go ALL the way to South Africa and find out I had the opportunity to get slobbered on by an elephant and NOT take it! The first thing I asked when we got there was "Can I ride one?!" Sorry to say I didn't get to, so am very jealous of everyone out there that has been able to fill my bucket list item. These three elephants are wild, and just decided one day to be tame.

Cow on the left, baby in the shadows in the middle and the bull on the right.

The baby's stay with the bull's as they are so much bigger than the cows they provide far more shade.

You can see on her ivory how it has a little bit of damage on the end.  Elephants are very side dominate; cows are left handed and bulls are right handed.  You tell their gender by looking to see which ivory has been used the most over time.  (Now, just as in humans, this doesn't ALWAYS ring true!)

This baby was a little poop.  If you didn't feed him fast enough, he would just steal the pellets out of the bowl.  Obviously, Bill was NOT feeding him fast enough!

Elephants have really BIG  feet.  Don't let anybody tell you any different!
Splashin' some water to cool off a little. 

This excursion was horribly over priced, but I am S-O-O-O-O glad we did it!  The bull is the tamest of the three, and after feeding we were able to put our head's up in his mouth and look at his mollers and I swear I saw elephant tonsils!  Their hide was bristly, but not as rough as I had expected it to be; it felt like it just have millions of stiff hairs all over it.  The ivory was super smooth, and when you put your hand up under the skin that covers the end of the ivory, the skin was incredibly smooth.  They "flap" their ears to cool themselves and it was amazing how much air is moved.  Yes, you feel that air moving, while having your head stuck in it's mouth.

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