Monday, October 3, 2011

Game Drive #4, Day 3 (Sept. 10, 2011)

Our 4th game drive was just as fascinating are our previous 3!

A camellia!

Given all the signs around the lodge, I expected to see far more monkeys than we did!

This day we could really notice a difference in how the vegetation was really starting to turn green.
The giraffe's weren't near as easy to pick out with all the leaves on the trees!

Another rhino sighting!

The baby!

Yes, it really was this close and really was looking like it might want to take the jeep out.
Some how we got between the 2 adult rhino's.  They are basically blind and "see" by poo-ing, then stepping in it and the other rhino follows it's scent.  We were on the scent trail.  Once everyone quieted down, it was all good.

Mean while, I look to the other side of the jeep and 2 of these guys are coming out of the brush.

Have you ever heard of a caracal?  Neither had we!  These guys will take out an impala!

Meanwhile, the rhino's haven't exactly left yet.

But once then we were able to start heading back to the lodge we saw more wildebeest!

These three guys look like they are playing ring-around-the Rosy!  LOL

Doe and fawn nyala saying "See ya!"

You guessed it......stay tuned for more!


  1. I think these are some of your best photos yet. Yes, I have seen a caracal in the zoo in SLC several times, but it finally died of old age a while back. I've always thought them one of the prettiest wild cats. Tigers are still my favorite, though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am loving all your amazing pictures. Keep em comin.

  4. We saw a deer today and thought that was pretty cool, but then we see these pictures (which are amazing by the way!) and a deer just doesn't seem as cool :-)

  5. Wow Connie. I am loving these pictures. They look just like National Geographic pictures! Keep 'em coming! I think I said this before, but I have always wanted to do this same exact thing - so at least I get to see the photos!
