Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Digging Out

Believe it or not, the wind did stop blowing and we were able to dig our way out. All roads throughout eastern Wyoming and all of South Dakota were closed from this storm. Numbers we heard on the news Monday night (12/28/09) included 24" in Spearfish, 30" in Deadwood and 56" in Lead. Didn't hear a number for Sturgis, but did see news footage of the over pass being blown shut. Even if the interstate would have been open, no one was going to get on it anyway.

The view out the living room picture window on Monday sitting in the chair. Nice, huh?

When the weather finally broke, the drift in front of the back door was actually two.

Remember these two drifts? After they finished becoming one, they created quite the sled launch if anyone was brave enough. (We weren't.)

Picture window on the south side. You used to be able to see a boat.

Looking at the same drift from inside the garage.

Can you believe how it piled up between the garage and the boat? Yes, that is a lawn mower sticking out.

The two trucks acted as great snow fences and did an excellent job of keeping the snow in the driveway rather than blowing down into the trees. Now we know which way to plow the rest of the snow!

The drift between the two trucks and around the side of my truck ended up being about 6" above the truck bed.

Can anyone say "snow fence effect"?!?!?!?

This is standing at the northeast corner of the house. Some of my lights around the ground just disappeared in the drift!

Standing at the opposite side of the deck. You can kind of see the french doors on the master bedroom.

Standing below the big drift looking back at it. I don't know just how deep it ended up being!

Mr. Bill digging out the big drift in front of the pick up's.

Notice the styling new covies that Santa brought Mr. Bill!

Now it was my turn to plow.

Even though we had drifts that probably averaged 6-8 feet in depth, there were still some bare spots. Go figure.

Looking back toward the hills.

Looking at the hill across the street.

The northeast corner looking down the short side of the house. (Standing in the same spot looking 45* from where the picture is taken of the drift covering the lights along the ground in front of the house.)


  1. This is a test. This is only a test...

  2. Hurraaaaaay! It worked! I LOVE your new background. It's awesome and I totally get it;) Nice pictures - soooo glad I don't live where it gets that much snow. I can't handle it. But glad you guys like it! It is beautiful:)
