Saturday, October 31, 2015

Loki's Letter Home About Vacation

The latest dog that has come to "camp" at the Snow Chateau is named Loki.  She is a character!  Bill has started calling her the class clown given all her early morning antics, playfulness, running in circles, ears flapping, etc etc.  (We've been bringing pups home this year from the breeder that are needing extra attention.  My answer to having a 2nd dog.  Hey, it works!)

We just got back from a leisurely trip down the coast visiting the kids and site seeing.  Loki sends short letters home via Facebook so her Mom and Dad know what she is up to and how she is doing.  Vacation is no different!  Just a much longer letter home.  Might guess, we ALL had a good time!  (I thought I'd share her letter here so those that don't Facebook could see how the trip went.)

Hi Mom!  Hi Dad! 

We got back from vacation this week and I figured out what that means!  It means that we got to go on a really long trip, see super awesome stuff, meet cool people that gave me and Aunt Casey treats along the way, and SWIM!  We got to stay in hotels almost the whole time…..they were awesome!  We stayed mostly at La Quinta’s – they all either had really big windows for me and Aunt Casey to put our paws up in to look out, or a window seat for us to sit in and watch Uncle Bill outside!  How cool is that!!!!!!

Hotels are the best!  We even get to be on the bed in hotels!

Windows to look out, treats and toys to snuggle with.  Vacation is awesome!
We got to swim in the Clark’s Fork River by Missoula, Montana – that river is WAY colder than our river at home.  It didn’t take very long and both Aunt Casey and I were shiverin’!  The next day we got to swim in the Columbia River.  Do you know how B-I-G that is?????  It’s SOOOOO much bigger than our river at home.  That was fun though ‘cause it wasn’t near as cold as the river in Montana.  Montana rivers are super duper cold!  After we visited in Seattle (where we swam in a river a little bit too) we headed to the West Coast.

Have you been to the West Coast?  You SHOULD go and take all my brothers and sisters with!  It was soooo soooo awesome and cool!  At first I was a little bit afraid of the waves in the surf, but it didn’t take me very long to figure out they were just big splashes!  I watched Aunt Casey play in it – she taught me how to chase the waves.  I LOVE the ocean!  I wanna go back!!!!  Uncle Bill says I run like a cuttin’ horse on the beach!  After being in the car for so long, it was so much fun to run in the sand and the surf.  Me and Casey’s butts almost wiggled off we had so much fun!  We stopped at several beaches along the way.  My most favoritest was the one in Brookings, OR because the water was so clear – I could see the bottom of the ocean!  Plus, it was a smaller beach so Aunt Connie and Uncle Bill didn’t have to work so hard at keeping track of me and Aunt Casey.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about Seattle………We got to play with Theresa and Matt, Katie and Kevin and April!  Our last day there Theresa, Matt and April took us to an “off leash dog park”.  It was super scary!  There are really, really big dogs there.  And they’re dressed funny.  Mostly there were just so many people and so many really, really big dogs, I just wasn’t very sure of myself.  At one point, I didn’t even recognize Aunt Connie calling me!  I was kinda scared, but I got over it!  Oh yeah……when we left Seattle, there was so many cars and trucks and gigantuous buildings to look at I couldn’t even sleep.  All I did was sit up tall in the back seat and look around.  It was AMAZING how much there was to see.

All the way down the coast me and Casey got to play in the ocean, but I already told you about that.  What I didn’t tell you though, is when we stopped in Crescent City to play Aunt Casey drank WAY to much sea water and ate WAY to much sea grass.  She got sick in the car – twice.  I felt bad for her.  Casey got to walk in the Redwood Forest with Aunt Connie while I hung out in the car with Uncle Bill.  I like Uncle Bill – he’s my person mostly.

When we got to California I played with Nicholas and his dog Ellie Mae.  She is HUGE!!!!  We wrestled and wrestled all day every day!  And when we weren’t wrestling, I got to lounge by the pool at Chuck and Cathy, Cayleigh and Nicholas’s house.  I think lounging by the pool suites me just fine!  Can we have a pool at our house?????  PLEA-EASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Rugs at the Casa de Snow (Chuck and family's house).  I'm not sure what rugs are, but there was 5 dogs total!

After we left California we went to Rhonda’s house in Mesquite and got to play in her back yard.  She loved me!  (But, what’s not to love????)  We forgot our toys there, but it’s OK because we have lots of toys at Aunt Casey’s house!  Then we went to Curt and Renan’s house in Wyoming.  Casey got her top knot painted Halloween colors!!!  I escaped without any paint though!  (Insert proud prance here.)

That was our WHOLE vacation!  Do you know how many miles we drove??? 3900 miles!  That’s a lot!  Mostly in the car I just slept.  I figured out it was super comfortable to lay with my feet up the back of the seat and my head hung over the edge.  Once in a while Aunt Casey and I would just curl up on the seat.  The seat in Aunt Connie and Uncle Bill’s car is very comfortable….more comfortable than my bed; it has lots more padding.  

I would just assume "the position" once the car started down the road!

Oh!  I forgot!  If I would have had a passport I would have got like a billion stamps for different states!  Well, maybe not a billion, but I would have gotten lots!  A little one for the first time we went through Wyoming ‘cause we weren’t there very long; one for Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, a little one in Arizona, one in Utah and big one the second time in Wyoming, then one when we got back to South Dakota.  We went lots of places!

Me and Casey have been playin’ in the yard ever since we got home.  Yesterday I was playing outside by myself and found what I thought was the coolest thing ever….I frozen slithery snake!  I brought it to the door for Aunt Connie – she did NOT like it.  (Note to self:  bad career move to bring Aunt Connie a yucky snake.)  Aunt Casey told me those really aren’t cool and I should never ever play with them.  It was frozen, I didn’t think it was a big deal, but everybody else did!  (Note to self:  Snakes are yucky!!  Seriously, snakes are yucky.)

It’s late, I have to go to bed now.  Tell Jade and Ida that camp is way, way tons better than they told us it is.  I love camp!  I may never come home!

Bye, bye.

P.S.  Here a couple pics of Aunt Connie and Uncle Bill.

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