Normally I don't enter into the realm of politics on here, but this is an easy way for me to get things off my chest so to speak. With that said, I'm tired of watching continued complacency. And no, I don't know what any of the answers are.
America is under attack. Maybe not in the literal sense, but with recent court rulings, current political policies, and a generation of kids that just seem simply clueless.....America is under attack. Under attack from the inside - in my humble opinion the worst kind of attack.
Now, before you start to berate me, I get that not all kids are clueless. With that said, I see many kids with piss poor attitudes about life in general. Attitudes that reflect many of our current political policies: ENTITLEMENT. Sorry honey, you don't get to "choose" your race, nothing in life is "owed" to you, and if you want something, get off your tush and make it happen.
I fear what is happening in Greece currently is headed for our shores. Americans have got to pull their heads out of their butt and take a look around. We simply cannot continue down this spend, spend, spend road we are on. None of us are entitled to free health care, free lunch, higher wages without earning it, free insurance - I could continue, but you get where I'm headed. Higher wages are earned - not given. Don't think I don't understand how hard it is to survive on minimal paychecks; there was a time I worked 2 jobs to live hand to mouth; a time I lived off my credit cards; a time that I did NOTHING extra as simply put, I didn't have any money. Simple concept: no money, no extras.
Our current political arena seems to think they can make new laws with no discretion as to the constitutionality of them. Executive orders are out of control. To quote our current president, "I have a pen and I have a phone." Well, good for you. So do I. That doesn't mean I am immune to the consequences of lack of thought behind using those two things. And as far as the Supreme Court is concerned, NEWSFLASH, your job is to interpret current law, not make new law.
The new SCOTUS ruling the Supreme Court just handed out is a testament to how liberal our nations higher powers have become and how dysfunctional they are to what the countries fore fathers saw. Again, refer to the last paragraph - interpret law, not make law. I really don't care if couples choose to have same sex relations. I am liberal enough and accepting enough to feel that all couples should be treated equally when it comes to medical treatment, housing, banking, etc, etc. However, I am offended by the Courts ruling that marriage is no longer legally defined as a unity between a man and a woman. I am conservative enough to hold onto traditional values and integrity's of certain sanctity's, marriage being one of them. The Courts choice to add another law to the books does not in any way, shape or form change my traditional view on this matter. Case closed. And since a precedence has been set by the Court choosing which laws to follow and which to ignore, as far as me and my house are concerned, this law doesn't exist.
Stepping down from soap box.
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