Thanksgiving is traditionally a day we get together with friends and family to celebrate the things we are thankful for in life. A day set aside - but shouldn't we remember and be grateful for these things everyday?
I'm thankful for my husband. I never wanted to be married, yet he tore down those walls and showed me that love is kind. Bill and I have built a life together through hard work, sacrifice, and shear determination that neither one of us could have done individually - nor realized we could do together. Common goals at the end have created both personal and financial success.
My dogs are also at the top of my list. Absolutely no one/thing has unconditional love like dogs. No matter the mood I wake up in, they love me and give me kisses. Their expressions and antics make both Bill and I laugh continually. They are my buddies and companions, snuggler's, and at times, partners in crime. They complete Bill and I's family.
I am grateful for family. Having lost my aunt and uncle this past spring in simply unimaginable circumstances, a new light was cast on the importance of keeping in touch. Family is not just blood/marriage relation, but everyone that has touched my life and helped me grow in all aspects of life. Sometimes a sounding board, sometimes a kick in the ass, always a comfort knowing my back is covered if needed.
I've been given an opportunity to mentor three different young girls through Big Brothers/Big Sisters since moving to South Dakota. My heart fills with pride that I have been blessed to have these ladies in my life. Being a mentor is not just about taking these kids out hunting. It's teaching opportunities. Teaching that the biggest thing we can do in life is to pay it forward. Giving someone your time, be it to teach them a new skill or just be their cheerleader, a lesson in giving of yourself to mankind to bring compassion and kindness back into this sometimes ugly world we live in.
I give thanks for all the service men/woman our great country has. From military members to our local law enforcement, these people wake up every day and serve their communities - locally and abroad. They tender time, birthdays and holidays away from their families to give mankind a safe haven in the world, sometimes giving the ultimate sacrifice. As Americans we celebrate freedoms that no other land offers; the American military and founding people of our land - still today - fight for these privileges. Thank you for your service. In a time that there seems to be a great divide in our country and raging hostility toward local law enforcement, I'm grateful we have men and women willing to put that uniform on everyday. A uniform that says I'm here to protect and serve you - even though I don't know you.
I'll end this post with gratitude for the material things. Through hard work and will power, we have a beautiful home, live in a great community, have plenty of food on our table, all the toys a person could want, and opportunities still at our feet. Life is ever changing, and the adventure you create yourself. I'm grateful for my health and mobility to savor each experience!
Happy Thanksgiving to All!!