Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Litte Claim To Fame

Several months ago, I opened an account at, an online photo sharing website.  The only reason I opened it was to help a fellow photographer out in a couple contests he had entered; to vote, one had to have an account.  I really didn't think much more about that site until I got a notification about an "animal horns" contest and decided to enter my kudu photo I took in Africa last year.  Well, there was a charge to enter, so this super cheap-skate didn't enter, but I did receive an award from the owners of the website for that photo.  (Picture:  happy, happy, happy!)

I did not even realize I had received that award until a couple months after the fact as I just didn't check that site much; suddenly, I use that site a whole lot more!  Recently I posted a composite photo (2 photo's put together as one) and just received another recognition from the sites judges! 

Maybe these awards aren't a big deal, but to me, I find them very encouraging.  So, please allow me my little moment of fame to share with you my photo "The West was Settled with Freedom in Mind".

"Great Shot" July 2014 from the judges at

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July

238 years ago, a bunch of men dressed in wool coats, frilly fru-fru shirts, and long braided wigs sat in an non-air conditioned room and crafted a document.  A document with a great vision not only for this land, but for the people of this great nation.  

Today our constitution seems to be under constant threat, but today we celebrate.  We celebrate the history of our nation and the men who sacrificed to see this vision through.

Happy Birthday America!