Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Freaks In the Backyard

The wind has kept all the wildlife pretty well hunkered down, but a few turkeys did wander through this afternoon.  One in particular really caught my eye.  Watching them through the great room window, then through the bedroom window, I decided I really did need to try to capture these guys.  Of course my long lens wasn't on my camera.  So, with a lens swap, a trip-pot swap, and locating my hen call, I snuck out on the back deck while they were in the trees and got myself set up.  One hen call and they started back toward the openness of the backyard.  Patience, Grasshopper, Patience.  It paid off - some with good sun, some not so much.

Definitely not the top bird of the group.

Sun comes back, tail feathers come back up.
The wind makes it little tough to impress the ladies.
And the one that particularly caught my eye.  I believe a bearded hen freak-a-zoid came through.  Not what one sees everyday.

Notice, no spurs on its legs.
Better sight of its leg.  I'm just not seeing a spur.
Maybe a jake, but a whole lot of question in my mind.

And this concludes today's freak show at the Snow Chateau.


The last several days have consisted of a good ol' fashioned spring snow storm.  The rain and snow started on Sunday and basically quit yesterday afternoon only to have the wind show up.  I needed to run into Spearfish this afternoon and as I pulled onto the interstate, things didn't look quite right on the other side of the freeway.  When getting back to Whitewood, this is what I found at the off ramp.

Think the wind is blowin' a bit?
Sorry, all I had was my cell phone with me.  But I can't help but wonder, just how hard does the wind have to blow to create this?

Friday, April 25, 2014

Sure Signs of Spring

Things have kind of been on the busy side around here having several spring like days in a row.  I wanted to hike Bear Butte (over by Sturgis) before the snakes got real active as there are LOTS of rattlers over on the Butte.  Today was the day....bright, lots of sunshine and mid-60's.  A great day for a hike indeed.  The best part of the hike:  Along the trail, sure signs of spring.  Yippee!!!!

"Stairway to Heaven"

The prairie wants to be green.  The Deers Ears are in the upper right.  (Looking north atop the look out.)

"Pasque Flower"  The official South Dakota state flower.

Once the pasque begin blooming, spring has officially arrived.

"Farming Meets the Prairie"  Looking east toward Ellsworth Air Base.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

We wish all our family and friends a joyous day as you all gather together with friends and family.  Happy Easter!

- Bill, Connie and Casey

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Finally, a Break

February and March weather has been just flat miserable.  Bad attitude you ask?  Umm, YES.  Even Casey is over it and bored out of her mind.  Yesterday we FINALLY got a day that was bright and sunny - warmer temps, but the wind still cut through a person.  Still, it was to nice to stay inside, so off to the Hills and Custer State Park we went.  

Our first stop was Sheridan Lake at the south boat launch.

Happy Girl playing with the ice and splish-splashin' along.
Old Man Winter, I believe your cold, hard heart is melting and beginning to crack.  Makes me happy, happy, happy.
And just past the Lake, I found some big horn sheep.  Casey has decided she does not like sheep - the whole time I was parked she sat in the seat and growled.  She's tough and intimidating.....ask her.  Three ewes and last years lamb.

I wish they wouldn't have had collars.
Made it down to Custer State Park hoping to find some buffalo calves, I guess it's not quite time - at least not time with the groups I saw.  I didn't see any sensational bulls, but I also didn't leave the paved road.  As usual, the Park is over run with prairie dogs, and as much as I agree with the ranchers that they are extremely destructive awful little rodents, they do make good subjects for me trying to figure out one of my lenses.  Even was graced with a coyote posing for me.  Wish I would have had the call with me - I think I could have gotten him to stop a little closer than he did.

Lastly, I made it back to Pactola to catch just the very last of color in the sky.

All in all, a good day.  And today it looks like we will be blessed with TWO, count them TWO spring days in a row.  Guess I better get some work done around here.  Life.  Is. Good.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Fools?

Yesterday I woke to bitter cold temps that came after rain that turned to snow in the night.  The day stayed very gray and just plain unlikable.  I thought maybe it was Mother Nature's April Fool for us.  Apparently not though...........

The view off the front deck this morning says it wasn't a trick after all. 

And about an hour later great big flakes started falling.  (Looking just a hair south from the above photo.)
I must say, the snow today is far prettier than what fell yesterday, but I'm still pretty over this weather.  I W-A-N-T spring!!!  And not just one day of it!  End of rant, for now.