As my Little gets older, she continues to get busier and busier making it more and more challenging to be able to spend any time together.
Monday we were FINALLY able to get together after she got out of school and go get some shooting done....AKA....get some stress relief done for the Junior that summer-ite-us has REALLY hit!
She hasn't shot in almost a solid 2 years; the last time I had her shooting a pistol, was far more of me 'making' her shoot it, and her not liking it at all. Well, it was time for her to learn to use iron sights. Learn she did. My only problem with how things went: I think she is now addicted to shooting golf balls. P-E-R-F-E-C-T. Now I got a partner in crime!
Nice shootin' Girlie! You just keep it up!